Strict silence has to be observed in the Library at all times.
No one is permitted to take any book from the Library without the permission of the Librarian and having it duly entered.
Exchanging Library Cards is strictly forbidden.
Books are issued to the use of the borrower and should not be lent to anybody else. Reference books will be
issued only to the students of Class IX-XII.
Students should take great care in handling the books. Tearing pages and pictures from books and magazines
must be avoided at all costs.
The attention of the Librarian must be drawn to the books that an intending borrower finds damaged.
Damage done to the books and magazines must be made good by the borrower. In case the book is lost,
the entire cost has to be deposited with the Librarian.
Books and magazines taken out for reference must be placed in the same place from they were taken.
Failure to return a book by the due date incurs a fine of Rs 5 per day for the time the book is overdue.
All books must be returned a week before the beginning of each examination.
Failure to do so will debar the student from appearing at the examination.